Around the early 1700's there were a bunch of pirates in the Caribbean who occupied a small island right north of Nassau, Bahamas. From there they had easy access to ambush the trade routes between America and Europe. Supposedly the Pirate settlement was one of the biggest Pirates ever had. In 2016 I visited the Island which today is called Paradise Island and is built over with a lot of huge hotels. Most of the island is private nowadays but the route I took was still public space and one of the only places on the island still covered in jungle. After a day of searching, and admittingly getting lost in the small jungle, I found the remaining of a path from the time of the Pirate settlement. I documented everything that was left of the path, even though it didn't lead to anything, and then moved on to get out of the jungle again. It was almost sunset when I stumbled out of the jungle on a private beach right between two older ladies who got quite scared of me.